The Benefits of Using Great Lakes Medical Billing:
Increase Revenues and Reduce Costs:
- Reduce accounts receivables with consistent, timely tracking and follow-up.
- Increase cash-flow with consistent, accurate claims filing.
Reduce Costs:
- No hardware, software, communication, maintenance or training costs.
- No dedicated personnel costs.
- No employee benefits costs (vacation, illness, leave of absence, health insurance).
- No employee turn-over and re-hiring / re-training costs.
- No supply costs (statements, envelopes, stamps and more).
Save Time:
- No more hiring or training office staff.
- No more follow-up on claims and claims status.
- No more time spent on claim error resolutions and re-files.
- No time spent on patient billing calls.
Additional Benefits:
- Protects you from technology and regulatory changes.
- Improve office morale.
- Reduce frustration and aggravation of dealing with the insurance companies.
- Let us handle the billing questions. Our staff is friendly, professional, and knowledgeable.